by GaETCdev | Mar 18, 2019 | 2014 Winners
The students will use the table top microscopes to investigate different types of cells and recreate what they are seeing as well as relate the organelles to their functions. Students will be paired up on virtual Instagram project where they will use what they see in... by GaETCdev | Mar 18, 2019 | 2014 Winners
The “Digitize History Project” will enable Hephzibah Middle School students to use a variety of resources with Google Play Apps for Education. Students will explore and discovery history for themselves, and use digital apps to share their understanding of through... by GaETCdev | Mar 18, 2019 | 2014 Winners
We will create a MakerSpace with materials for students to create, problem-solve, and think critically about the world. We will focus activities on our Earth Science curriculum. Our students to identify issues that impact the environment and use the space to design... by GaETCdev | Mar 18, 2019 | 2014 Winners
This program features a real-world scientific concept to be explored by our students through research, teamwork, construction and imagination! Our students will be able to: Design and build a challenge- related model using Lego components, create a Show Me poster and...