The application deadline is September 18

Grant Recipient Announcement will be October 15


The opportunity to apply for an Innovation Grant was open to all Georgia teachers, media specialists, counselors, or any combination of persons within a school setting.


The Georgia Educational Technology Consortium (GaETC) offers technology innovation grants to elementary, middle, and high school teachers in Georgia. Funding is given to “innovative technology projects that enhance the teaching and learning to improve student outcomes.”

Funding Priority

The opportunity to apply for a Technology Innovation Grant is open to elementary, middle and high school teachers, media specialists, counselors, or any combination of persons within a school setting in Georgia.


The Georgia Educational Technology Consortium will award five Innovation Grants of $3000 each to support technology-based projects to elementary, middle, and high school teachers in Georgia.


Lindsay Head – Title: Georgia Arcade: History Comes to Life

Students will use Hummingbird robotic kits from Birdbrain with MicroBits and recycled materials to create arcade games focused on GA’s history. The project integrates engineering design, coding, and S.S., allowing students to build and program games that feature...

Krynica Drake – Title: “Battle of the Phoenix”

Our Minecraft Esports “Battle of the Phoenix” competition enhances essential STEAM skills in grades 3-8, promoting problem-solving, collaboration, and digital literacy through creative design challenges. Students redesign their schools to address real-world issues...

Cheryl Clark – Title: Lego Education BricQ Motion

This grant will enable our students to deepen their understanding of physical science in an interactive and enjoyable way. Students will explore fundamental concepts such as forces, motion, and interactions through engaging investigations.

Check out previous winner!


  • Applications and supporting documentation will be available at April 1.
  • Application Deadline: September 18.
  • Grant Recipient Announcement: October 15. 
  • Only complete applications conforming to the specified guideline format, and requirements will be evaluated and eligible for funding.
  • All completed grant applications should be submitted on or before the deadline.
  • After successful submission of the online application, the applicant will receive an electronic confirmation receipt immediately. If the applicant does not receive an electronic confirmation receipt, please email Paulina Kuforiji at
  • Innovation Grants will be judged and scored based on the published rubric.
  • Applicants must agree to implement the approved grant initiative and expend all awarded funds before January 1, 2024.
  • Grant recipients are expected to make a presentation during the following Georgia Educational Technology Conference.

Questions regarding the grant should be directed to Paulina Kuforiji at